Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Ecuhome Corp

Date        : Wednesday, January 17th, 2018
To            : Khydup Gyatso, Ecuhome Housing Worker
From       : Martin Lomas, Ecuhome Tenant, 244 Sherbourne Street Room # 302

C.C.        : Ecuhome Management, My Lawyers, CBC MarketPlace / CBC Go Public, Local newspapers, radio stations, and television providers, Anyone that's interested - Govts, Ombudsman, etc... (I have good experience with this kind of procedure.)
Subject   : Ecuhome Corp. - Claims v. Reality * UPDATED : spelling, various edits, new point 15 



It should be noted that I have Bipolar Disorder, Type 1, and I am dependent on Marijuana, in a medicinal sense. Ecuhome is aware of this. I am currently of sound mind and body, and have been for more than 5 years.

While with Ecuhome, I have had precisely 2 manic episodes: First, a long manic episode in Summer 2015 - Nobody noticed - not tenants nor Ecuhome. Second, right now (Dec. 27th 2017 to present). This current time has been medium-intense, and indeed I did admit myself to St Mikes in Toronto when it was too much on Sat 1/13/2018. St Mikes gave me the typical minimal, but reasonable treatment: a couple of sandwiches, a chat, and a shove out into the freezing cold, while inappropriately dressed at 5am in the morning. I could have seen a psychiatrist, but I asked other doctors in anticipation: Given that I have over 25 years experience with mood disorders; taking meds,  studying the condition(s), constantly monitoring myself, group therapy, CBT, etc., is your psychiatrist going to have anything new on the table? Their answer was "No". So I said "No, thanks" and was discharged.

I am "treatment resistant" - why would I want to take these quite horrible meds? Allow me to explain. Many people naturally assume that "treatment resistant" means a patient who refuses to take meds. Not so - far from it. It means that whatever drugs are tried, the patient always responds at or below the minimum expected efficacy. Choice doesn't enter into it - "the drugs don't work". Believe it or not, it's not uncommon. But it takes an astute person to persist in repeating to a doctor that you don't feel well, whatever is tried. Many settle. For the record, I was shockingly declared treatment resistant by one Dr. Rebekka Moscarello, somewhere in the early 2000s. She has since passed - but should still be on record if anyone cares.

Not once in this current episode have I been psychotic (though I have certainly been loud when distressed), yet, stigma in the form of disbelief of my ideas was, let's say "THICK" - the cops, and Ecuhome,  tried repeatedly to trap me into agreeing point 15 below was strictly a mental health issue. It wasn't; my being upset and stressed out was mainly due to massive stress = (a) My much older brother's dementia (my only remaining family), (b) A heavy smoker's lack of nicotine, due to long periods of extreme dry cold, or much wetness. [being dirt poor I mainly need to pick up cigarette butts]), and, very much (c) All this Ecuhome nonsense.


Greetings Khydup,

It is with great regret that I must present you with this document. Previously, I've been happy to reside with Ecuhome. Of late, I have woken up to a different reality. Recently, I went back over various issues we've had. The following is a list of my complaints. I'm afraid to say that they add up to a condemnation of Ecuhome Corporation itself as acting  so poorly, that it virtually resembles a "scam". Some of the points have never been complained about. The reason, is that I happily bought into the positive vibe that Ecuhome attempts to foster. I had faith. I was very patient. And you are a most excellent housing worker - you already know I mean this. Your colleagues are apparently quite different.

The points that follow are in no particular order. If you're wondering about my change of heart - when I reviewed these points I just about choked on this slew of repeated Ecuhome failures.

(1)  Ecuhome Security Expenditures

Ecuhome, on at least two occasions of serious problems at the house, has spent presumably thousands of dollars to hire security guards. With them working only partial days, and only for two weeks, their presence was barely noticed; they were completely ineffective. What a waste of money that might otherwise go to supporting your clients with something useful. This is one of several instances of what can be seen as "a bureaucracy out of control". And not being "supportive".

(2a)  Ecuhome  Maintenance Department

 We recently had the official statement from Ecuhome that previous probems with "missed calls" to maintenance had been addressed. Not so. This week, when someone had tried to break into the front gate, and said gate lock was damagaed and not working, none of us could get into the house. I needed to call maintenance. Being outside, I did not know the new phone number. I was glad that option 5 on the main switchboard was available, and I left a message explaining. Maintenance never got that message. Presumably, that option should not still be on the switchboard menu. Time passed; still none of us could get in. Until a tenant (don't know his name) had to scramble over the gated walls in order to get us in. The reason I know there was a break-in attempt is that I found the gnarled remains of some nail clippers right at the foot of the gate. And, there were new scratches all over the doorknob. Nobody from Ecuhome has followed up on this point, yet. I did not alert police, since I thought it may have been a tenant who had damaged the lock trying to get in. But then, who cares? If you need to defend this and all other points as mere incompetence, then my disgust at this whole list still stands. More lack of support.

(2b)  Ecuhome  Maintenance Department

Following from the above: I finally was able to call the correct number for maintenance, and soon heard back. Apparently, a houseful of people unable to reach home is not a priority. Maintenance said they either couldn't or wouldn't help until the next day. So please, exactly what emergencies will your fine 24/7 maintenance  people actually respond to? Why would they not have keys in order to help? I don't see any excuse - it's obvious. And not supportive.

(3)  Ecuhome Health Awareness - Marijuana

There is effectively no difference in outcome between (a) me, as a youth making the questionable choice of starting to use marijuana, and (b) me now, absolutely needing the stuff, since it's so helpful in soothing my mood disorders. I only ever use marijuana alone in my room. If Ecuhome cannot accept this, then I absolutely must move out. Hardly supportive.

(4)  Substance Abuse - Continued

If Ecuhome is against substance abuse in the houses, then how come we have seen people on the porch at Pembroke, drinking hard liquor? More than once. Do Pembroke tenants have a different rule? How does Ecuhome feel about the endangerment of your clients that have addiction issues? A lapse of support. Or sheer inconsistency. Most now realize that alcohol is by far the worst of all drugs. But you're just not on side with that support.

(5)  Condos Coming on Sherbourne Street

We are hearing rumors of the destruction of our house due to upcoming new condo developments. Presumably, Ecuhome knows the situation. Why have you not consulted with us? When were you going to tell us? Did you not think that advanced notice would be very helpful? If you claim not to have known, I find that just laughable. And not at all supportive.

(6a) The Saga of Our Front Gate

For years, everyone knew - tenants, Ecuhome - that we had a major problem with street people occupying our porch and using hard drugs - sometimes 24/7. Our front gate never had a lock (while all other houses on the street always did). Finally, finally, after years, you put a simple lock on the gate, and it made all the difference. Why so long in acting? Further, when said gate was later removed in a road accident, you took fully 4  months to address the problem. Khydup - you yourself suffered attempted assault during this time. Why the indifference to our endangerment? So very unsupportive.

(6b)  The Front Gate becomes Dangerous - Arson

In the 4-month delay, with no gate at all, all the street people simply walked back in. During this time, one of them started a fire under the porch. We  had previosly informed Ecuhome that someone was sometimes living/sleeping under the porch. Luckily, the guys on the 1st floor were there, and able to subdue the fire until the fire department arrived. And still the gate was not promptly repaired. So extremely unsupportive. We could have died. And not a word about it from Ecuhome. Nothing. We're on our own.

(6c)  The Front Gate is still Dangerous - Break-In

Thursday, January 11th, 2018: On returning home, I saw two women climbing up over our new fence and gate. Not an easy climb. I had to throw them out (gentle shoves were used). The women were violently convinced that I was in the wrong. This confused me. One of the women managed to kick my boxed dinner out of my hand (no supper for me that night). I called the police. The women went off, but then sat in a bus shelter opposite (why weren't they concerned about arrest?). Police turn up. Immediately, their attitude is one of "we're just so busy - why are you bothering us?". They go to check on the women. Apparently, the women say that I I tried to knife them. Oh dear. Cops let them go free, and come back to me. Cops are really quite pissed off that I am pushing this. I demand to know what is going to be done to help us. Their response: Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No explanation. I find this highly suspicious. FYI: I always tell cops about my bipolar disorder up front, since otherwise, even worse outcomes are possible - like being beaten up by cops - it's happened to me! Of course, I'm not suggesting this is Ecuhome's problem - but wait, oh yes I am. It is Ecuhome's choice to have houses smack in the middle of a war zone - the area of Dundas & Sherbourne long being a recognized trouble zone. So the question is: What is your advice for living safely in your houses? You certainly never address this, specifically. Ever. No policy - your on you're own. Not supportive.

(7)  Our Mysterious Bathroom Replacement

Why, a couple of years ago, was our bathroom totally renovated, when it was 100% clean and functional before? I objected at the time but there was no choice. Ironically, the finish of the new bathroom is quite inferior to what it needlessly replaced. This idiocy looks very much like corporate maneuvering, wherein budgets are falsely spent in order to sustain future budgets. You may see this as typical corporate behavior; I see it as wasted money that could benefit us in other ways. Shame on you. This can't be supportive; it's just stupid and wasteful.

(8)  Unequal Help

I understand that tenants at 76 Pembrooke regularly receive help by way of donations of food and clothing. I do realize that some clients there are infirm. We never get anything. Look, I'm not a particularly entitled person, but how do you think I feel about this inequality? Food and clothing would be very helpful. Just a small bit of lack of support.

(9)  Ecuhome has No Clue about Social Services

Why does Ecuhome apparently never advise clients that a Housing Stabilization Fund is available to recently homeless people? This fund is potentially thousands of dollars that can be significantly helpful to an often traumatized person. Why does Ecuhome apparently never advise disabled tenants  (I am disabled) that a Disability Tax Credit is available? Why not advise about the Rent Bank? This can prevent homelessness. How about the Furniture Bank? There are numerous other such well-identified resources. Ecuhome is simply not supportive in this way, at all. Myself, I had never heard of these things 5 years ago, and missed the boat on several. Damn. Significant  money and help that I never got, and cannot get now. You idiots.

(10a)  Exactly How DOES Ecuhome qualify as "Supportive Housing"?

Let's see.

(a)  Because we have an excellent housing worker? Well, true, but ALL landlords need to negotiate satisfaction with their tenants.

(b)  Because Ecuhome provides Medical or Social Support? No, you don't - not at all. I recall a Christmas Dinner that not many tenants attend. I recall an offer that we ought to do the gardening at 76 Pembroke. Look, I know communing over a garden is a nice thing, but I never see anything  supportive happen - I just see the grunt work in your garden getting done. Hmm.  Ecuhome actually does VERY LITTLE on this front. But you quite like photocopying other people's local service options to give to us very, very occasionally. It's pathetic. And NOT supportive in the least. It looks like you're going through the motions on this one.

(c)  Because Ecuhome provides furniture? Ha ha. I got a broken-down dresser whose drawers are impossible. I got a bed whose mattress was already compromised, and which within months was basically in shreds. I got a little night table. That's IT. No chair - I provided this and other things somehow. No nothing else - extremely bare bones. Why does Ecuhome not advise clients of the Furniture Bank? And various other related services? Surely this is a no-brainer for your tenants? You are just not that supportive.

(d)  Because Ecuhome provides TV, telephone & cleaning supplies?  I used to think this was impressive, until I realized that all tenants are PAYING for this, ON TOP OF THEIR SUBSIDIZED INCOME! I know you're concerned about our well-being, so, should you not try to minimize fees above and beyond our preciously subsidized rent? I do not watch TV. I hardly ever use the phone. My roommate and I are pretty efficient with cleaning and such - I'd say we use maybe $15 of supplies per month. And yet we all pay $54 per month for the above privileges. I find this outrageous. For me, it's another whatever percentage of my income that is taken, after my rent has been subsidized. Bad news, and definitely not supportive.

(11)  Ecuhome's Faulty Mission Statement

You claim to work to help clients regain their place in the community. I cannot think of ONE thing that qualifies. Please - what have you done in four years to help me reconnect with society? NOTHING THAT I CAN RECALL. Plus, nobody would really WANT to be part of the horrible communities that some of your houses are in - especially 244 Sherbourne. We need survival coaching, not re-connection locally, much.

(12)  Ecuhome's Sumptuous Property - 76 Pembroke Street

If Ecuhome is Not-For-Profit, then how does it justify the 76 Pembroke St offices being so lavishly appointed? That's quite a stunning renovation your building had - it's far, far beyond what ANY OTHER landlord is able to pamper itself with. How come? HOW DO YOU JUSTIFY THIS? It is always just so very cozy over there, isn't it.

(13)  Ecuhome's Incompetent Handling of Housing Issues

I can only speak for myself. When I first moved in, I had to endure over TWO YEARS of living with hard drug users and dealers coming and going all day and all night on behalf of a roommate who was a devoted hard-drug addict. Ecuhome were FULLY AWARE of the problem for all that time. On top of that, a third person lived there illegally for nearly a year - my roommate's girlfriend. They would have riotous heroin and crack parties that had me finding them passed out all over our place. Again, ECUHOME FULLY AWARE. For me, it was a TRULY TRAUMATIZING EXPERIENCE. I am STILL struggling to recover from it - just ask my current roommate about my weird behavior because of it. Ecuhome is very lucky to be able pass all this off in a "you could have major trouble" clause in the rental contract. The only thing that solved my issues was when said roommate moved out of his own accord. So, so, so unsupportive, for me.

(14)  The Straw that Broke this Camel's Back

Wednesday 1/10/2018, a.m., I was helping a fiend apply for Ecuhome housing. We, and several other people were in the waiting room at 76 Pembroke Street. There was a short Ecuhome promotional film playing quite loudly on the  TV. This film loops over and over. We all had to endure it at least a dozen times. With the permission of all others, I went to lower the volume. FYI - I have a college degree in electronics; I'm reasonably confident about being able to change the volume on a TV. As soon as I very carefully touched it, an elderly Ecuhome employee jumped into the room and absolutely tore a strip off me over it. I was not impolite in the slightest. It was shocking and embarrassing; everyone present thought so. I believe he may  have  thought I was using drugs (he didn't say). I may well have been under the influence of the marijuana that truly helps me with my medical conditions. And so we had to keep watching and listening, over and over. So, is  this Ecuhome's understanding of their typical tenants? You obviously know that we are very often people with mental health and substance use issues. Again, you are so far from supportive.

(15)  I am Made Homeless

 Where to begin!? When I am depressed, I have very little confidence. When manic, I have oodles of confidence. So, near the beginning of this manic phase, I wanted to "call out" David about many issues not addressed previously. I most definitely called David an asshole several times during my rant. The rough outline is as follows:

(The context of all this is David's raging alcoholism)

- Why, in >1.5 years of residency, have you done the chores once? I do all the chores, the garbage, getting supplies.

- Why, when I had to handle 3 separate bedbug sprayings in 2017, did you do nothing?

- Why have you not attended a house meeting, once?

- Why did you not help at all with the cockroach spraying in 2017?

- Why of why do you never, ever answer the phone or the doorbell. Did I not let you in very drunk, without key, several times? Me, I won't ever have that help from you.

- Three separate times you have brought people in as guests in the overnight hours. Three times you heard me get angry about it. Three times I reported it to Ecuhome. Q: Do you understand this vital house rule yet?

 - Why did you suddenly offer me some crack cocaine when I was angry about your overnight guests?

- Why do you nearly always sleep in the common area?

- I'm sorry to say this, but you quite often stink quite badly - especially if your room door is open (I've wretched and held my nose). I've rarely seen you take a shower or bath - I'm sure you must. And you never use our laundry facilities, that I've noticed.

 - Almost every single night you come home drunk, and often enough belligerent.

- Every day you "hog" the TV/Living Room for hours. Sometimes whole days. It makes it hard for me to feel considered at all. Very occasionally, I'd like to select a TV program for me, without hearing your grunts, or nothing at all.

- You leave dishes to wash - that's fine. But when you frequently load up both sinks, what am I supposed to do?

- The sloppy way you leave the kitchen, with dirty plates and pans, and bits of food all over, encourages cockroaches.

- I find your garbage all over the place - in cupboards, in the fridge, in the bathroom cabinet. Yet I never see your garbage in the garbage can. What's up with that?

- I overheard you say to an arriving friend: "It's okay, I'm the boss." Are you sure?

- If I want to change the unit temperature, I always ask. You never do.

- If I need to occupy the bathroom, I always ask. You never do.

-  When David was quite sick, it was me who made sure he got to the hospital. I do not epect a reciprocal event.

In general, David is domineering, stubborn, illogical and/or non-communicative.

I have never really understood why Khydup has zero relationship with David. None. Surely this doesn't help. I've made Khydup aware of some of these complaints
Now, in reaction to this, David was visibly angry and belligerent. I don't think this it was because I was wrong, but that I was right. What surprised me was the intensity of his rage. Neither of us made any actual threats, but I felt scared and in danger, so I called the police.
From now on: Point-form of a long story ...
- Police arrive, David has left. They take the report.
- Their requirement of me is to be out of the house until this blows over. Me? Not him?
- I go to local winter respite "Margret's".
- Two days and two nights living in a freezing church with challenging types.
- Ecuhome's first advice is to "just go back home" - I'm too scared.
- Ozzy from Ecuhome escorts me home.
- Ozzy gets a pretty good taste of David's issues, and I do not feel safe - back to the church,
- Susan at Ecuhome calls David and gets an earful. David will refuse to let me in.
- I take matters into my own hands and return home next morning.
- Before that, I make sure Ecuhome knows about it, so they could take any desired action.
- No action forthcoming. Someone calls after me, but nobody follows.
- I cannot even get into the house, since I lost my key AND there are no doorbells accessible to the pubic, AND my housemates seem very unwilling to help.
- Khydup arrives, we go in.
- I didn't know David was there. I'm playing chill music quite loud.
- David begins shouting crustily; "TURN THAT OFF".
- Khydup leaves.
- I lock myself in my room - stil scared.
- I am brave enough to go get a cup of water. David is there.
- We are both angry as hell.
- Because I am brandishing a table leg I chose for self-defense, David calls the police.
- Police warn me never to use an object for self-defense. Next time, it's jail for me.
This must be understood to all at Ecuhome: As far as I can tell, none of these problems have anything much to do with our worker - Khydup - who we all enjoy and respect. It will not sit well if he in any way becomes a scapegoat here. Khydup is unquestionably among the best people that Ecuhome has.
I have always bought into the idea that Ecuhome is so very good to us - something Ecuhome themselves are always quick to re-enforce. Given the above, I have changed my mind - big time. The only way you can smooth this over now, is to THOROUGHLY ACCOUNT for EVERY ONE of the above issues, and, to make a fair offer of compensation to me - and presumably other tenants, who I will gladly enlighten if necessary. Oops. Otherwise, I'll see you in court. And on the news. I mean it. This crap cannot go on, in the guise of something else completely.
What next? I suggest you choose to settle with me. Your court costs will be very much higher than the reasonable compensation I will demand. Our lawyers can sort that out. Compensation for what? For my having to live for 4 years under the above conditions. For the record, my health and social standing have made zero improvement in 4 years. Zero. Look, Ecuhome is making a bunch of bad mistakes - pretty much as a systematic issue. It's not going to be a quick fix to turn this all around. You speak a fine game of client support, but practice little, and have lost that tenant focus. And finally, my laywers believe I have a strong case. Over to you, for now.
I have not yet fulfilled the complete Carbon Copy list of this document, but will not hesitate to do so. I have so far given copies to my lawyers only. By Monday 1/22/2018 I will be broadcasting it far and wide.
Sincerely, and very pissed off,
Martin Lomas

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